Friday, March 14, 2008

Lifes' Wonders

Life sometimes has it wonders,
Only difference is,
We look with close eyes,
Refusing to look at other aspects.

The security guard that always greets you,
The scrawny parking attendant that keeps that parking lot for you,
The cleaning lady that smiles her toothless grin at you,
The tea lady that knows how to brew the special tea for you.

Oh why do our eyes only look what we want to look,
What we want to look sometimes leaves us crook,
For sometimes we look too far ahead,
Until what lies in front of us seems void.

Little drops of water maketh a mighty ocean,
Little gestures of actions maketh a pleasant land,
Life has a lot to offer,
Live it up and live better.


Ere'ComesJonny said...

Basic value and appreciation of our fellow human companions is what is perhaps most lacking ...indeed life has its wonders ..the wonders of materialistic development leading to the clouded greed and continuous judgement. What then becomes of him/herself ..? I asked.
Learning to appreciate psychological loveliness and beauty is by far greater than the physical attributes the majority yearns for, yea .. look what lies in front of us .... and grasp what we really truly missed ...ditto